Artist vs Entrepreneur

Lately, I've been focussing solely on the business part of photography. Things like how to grow my audience, how to get more followers on Instagram, and how I can be of service to the world are swirling through my brain.

​I've been so immersed in the world of entrepreneurship that I forgot to be an artist. ​

As an artist, I value inspiration, self-expression, and doing things for fun. But as an entrepreneur, I focus on how I can help others. But I may have to let go of that notion for a bit.

​Don't create for your audience, but create for yourself.​

If only I could listen to my own advice.

So now that I gave the business owner in me free reign for a while, she's gonna have to make room for the artist. There will likely be much pushing and pulling, but I hope to find some balance.

​How can I feed my inner (starving) artist?

​The first thing that comes to mind is JOY. The second thing I'm thinking of is Julia Cameron and the Artist's Way. I've never finished her book, but I did the morning pages and took myself out on a date a few times.

I wouldn't say I liked the morning pages; it wasn't for me. I remember having cramps in my hand from all that writing but not getting anywhere with it.

Going to a museum by myself was suuuper awkward. I can't imagine going to a restaurant on my own, either. Scares the shit out of me, to be honest. Ok, we're getting distracted now, sorry!

So joy. Or play.

​Here are some things I will play around with for the coming weeks.

  • Create personal photography projects.

  • Try out a different photography niche, like food photography

  • Maybe I can limit myself by only using one lens

  • Play around in Lightroom to create a very different editing style than the one I have now


The art of finishing


Why do we start but don't finish our projects?