Why you should create a smile file

Well, it's officially the last week of 2023, FUUUUCK!

I find it challenging to stay positive during this time of the year. With the year ending, I always feel like I haven't done anything worthwhile, which is a lie! Shut up, inner dream shitter!

​(If you're sick and tired of yearly reflections and thinking about your goals next year, please don't read on! Cause I'm gonna ask you do to some more reflecting, sorry not sorry!)​

​Want to end the year on a high note?

Join me while we take a few minutes to create a Smile File. Grab a piece of paper or open up your notes app on your computer or phone, and let's get started.

Oh, before we begin, maybe I should explain what a Smile File is, duh! It's a collection of your successes and accomplishments. Don't worry about whether this accomplishment is big enough or if other people would think it silly. It's about what's important for you.

It could be a win at work or a compliment from a friend or colleague. Or maybe you remember somebody's birthday this year, and you're so fucking proud of finally having wished them a happy birthday on the RIGHT day! Yass!!

You could also include photos or screenshots of nice things people have said about you online.

The goal of your Smile File is to have an ongoing list of things you're proud of. Things that make you smile. Our brain is wired to always focus on the negative and forget about everything you've accomplished. But this list will be a beautiful reminder of your capabilities.

Okay, let's go; set aside 10 or 20 minutes if you have the time, and look through your phone or calendar or whatever to find some wins and jot them down.

Once you have a good start on this list, set a monthly or weekly reminder in your Google Cal to keep adding to it. And while you're adding to the list, have a read of the things you did in the past months.

Whenever you feel that inner dream-shitter crush your spirit, go back to your Smile File to remind yourself of the cool shit you've done!


50 things that made my year!


The Secret to unforgettable Memories